trick tips

FS Shuv

The FS shuv is a little more difficult than the BS, but if you practice it shouldn’t be too hard for you to learn.

You’re going to want to put your front foot right across the board just below the bolts. For your back foot, you’re going to be on your toes and in the pocket closest to you.

FS Shuv

FS Shuv
Now you’re going to ride, set up your feet, crouch down and wind your shoulders like a FS 180.

FS Shuv
As you pop the board, kick your back foot away from you, making the board rotate FS. Your front foot is going to guide the board around, keeping it near to your feet, and also helping to stop the board from flipping.

FS Shuv

FS Shuv

FS Shuv
Keep your feet away from the board as it’s rotating, and when the board has done a 180, catch it with your front foot. I would recommend catching it with your front foot, because it looks and feels better, but also helps control the board as you set up to land.
Once you’ve caught the board, get your back foot on, make sure your feet are over the bolts, and land.

FS Shuv

FS Shuv
It might take awhile to get this trick, because for the first few tries, your feet are probably going to get in the way, but just keep practicing it, and learn to get your feet out of the way as soon as you can. Just have fun with it and it should come to you pretty soon.
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