trick tips

FS 180

The next trick you’ll want to start on is the 180. We’ll start with the FS 180, because it’s easier than BS and once you get used to turning it will help you with the BS.

If anyone doesn’t know the difference between FS and BS, then listen up. FS (front-side) is when you turn your body so that the front of your body (your chest) is in front during the rotation. BS (back-side) is just the opposite. FS is normally a tad easier because you have the advantage of spotting your landing.

To start off, put your feet like you’re going to do an Ollie, but with your front foot a little more square on the board and with your toes hanging slightly off the edge.

FS 180
When you’re comfortable with the foot positioning, give a push, and get your feet into the proper position.

FS 180
Bend your knees exactly like you would for an Ollie, and while doing that, turn your shoulders the opposite way that you’re going to spin.
As you pop the tail bring your shoulders around to start your upper body spinning. Your feet will follow your body. You’ll want to level your board out about halfway through the rotation.

FS 180

FS 180

FS 180
Once you’ve spun half way round and levelled out your board, you’re just going to keep the rotation going until you either get to the 180 mark or just before it. Straighten your legs, land and ride away.

FS 180

FS 180

If you don’t make the full rotation, then land on your nose and pivot the rest of the way round. There’s nothing wrong with it, and if you do it nicely it will look insane. Remember you’re going to be riding away in switch to keep your weight centred all the time so you don’t bail. And always land on your bolts.
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