trick tips

Fakie Flip

Now for the Fakie Flip. If you have the Kickflip down, this shouldn't be any trouble.

So you're going to be riding Fakie, with your feet set up exactly like you would for a normal Kickflip.

Fakie Flip

Fakie Flip

Pop your board like you're doing a Fakie Ollie, and as you're sliding your foot up to level out the board, just flick your foot like you do when you're doing a Kickflip.

Fakie Flip

Fakie Flip

Fakie Flip

Fakie Flip

Let the board flip underneath you, and as you see grip, catch the board with your flipping foot to stop your board's rotation, and put your front foot on the board.

Fakie Flip

Fakie Flip

Get your feet above the bolts, get you're balance, and nail the trick. You'll be riding away switch so your balance might be off, but just stick with it.

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